sudo apt-get install cmus
Shortcuts to configure
Open: gnome-terminal -e cmus
Play/Pause: cmus-remote --pause
Next song: cmus-remote --next
previous song: cmus-remote --prev
Stop: cmus-remote --stop
Rewind: cmus-remote --seek -5
Forward: cmus-remote --seek +5
Keybindings: # To see all, go to settings (press 7)
1-7: Views [tree, sorted, playlist, queue, browser, filters, settings]
a: Add selection to library (Can be folders selected from browser view)
r: Repeat
s: Shuffle
f: Follow
C: Continue
^R (Ctrl+r): Repeat current
/{text}: /foo
23 de agosto de 2018
17 de mayo de 2018
Configuring Age Of Empires 2: Forgotten Empires on PlayOnLinux Ubuntu 16.04
We're gonna need the official Installers for Age of empires: Age of kings and The Conquerors.
- Install PlayOnLinux (POL)
- Run POL's Age of Kings script (Here you'll need Age of Kings Installer)
- Run POL's The Conquerors script (Here you'll need The Conquerors Installer)
- Run POL's Forgotten Empires script (This will download and install automatically this installer:
- If sound does not work, change wine version to a newer one
It works!, but it has some annoying bugs with resolution and fullscreen, so the solution I got was to make it windowed, almost borderless and filled the screen with it. So let's do it.
- Run FixAoFE.exe in the Forgotten virtual drive
- Open POL and select Forgotten
- Click Configure
- Tab Miscellaneous
- Click "Run a .exe ..."
- Locate FixAoFE.exe in ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/AOE2_forg/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Age of Empires II/age2_x1/FixAoFE.exe
- Enable Windowed mode
- Open Configure Wine
- Open Graphics tab, and make exactly this selections:
- open the game and choose your desired resolution in options. This resolution will only affect in-game, it won't affect the menu.
It still has some bugs, but it's now playable, the inner game is mostly free of bugs, and with the new 60 FPS feature of the Forgotten Empires, is a net improvement.
There are two bugs that still bother me.
There are two bugs that still bother me.
- For some really strange reason, enemies' Castles do not start firing until you get really close to them, or maybe attack them. I've seen this happen in the first chapter of barbarossa campaign.
- Multiplayer does not work. Right now, if you try to create a multiplayer game it will go back to the menu immediately. We can overcome this bug by installing directplay:
It now Creates a multiplayer game
But still, I haven't been able to join a multiplayer game between two computers using the same setup, I've tried with LAN, with IP, disabling firewalls, but no luck :(
Age of Empires,
22 de marzo de 2018
How to ignore monitoring a disk from the smartd daemon
-d ignore is a new directive which allows ignoring a device from DEVICESCAN.
If we want to ignore the disk /dev/sdb , edit /etc/smartd.conf and add /dev/sdb -d ignore before the line that starts with DEVICESCAN
It should look something like this:
# The word DEVICESCAN will cause any remaining lines in this
# configuration file to be ignored: it tells smartd to scan for all
# ATA and SCSI devices. DEVICESCAN may be followed by any of the
# Directives listed below, which will be applied to all devices that
# are found. Most users should comment out DEVICESCAN and explicitly
# list the devices that they wish to monitor.
/dev/sdb -d ignore
DEVICESCAN -d removable -n standby -m root -M exec /usr/share/smartmontools/smartd-runner
I needed to stop the warning email messages from the smartd daemon, yeah I know my disk is failing so just shut up.
Also found out about the ineresting -M diminishing directive
diminishing - send additional warning reminder emails, after a one-day interval, then a two-day interval, then a four-day interval, and so on for each type of disk problem detected. Each interval is twice as long as the previous interval.
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